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County Record Book Competition

The California 4-H Youth Development Program has a long history of record-keeping as an activity by 4-H members. In early 4-H history, Record Books focused on project profit and loss and other activities in agricultural and home economics projects.

As 4-H moved from a primarily agricultural focus to encompassing suburban and urban clubs, the Record Book process changed. In the 1980s, the state level Record Book was reformatted to conform to national achievement (which was then eliminated in the early 1990s) and the core values of the 4-H Youth Development Program. In the 21st century, the 4-H Record Book has undergone another transformation to ensure positive outcomes of youth participating in the 4-H Youth Development Program. Practices have been modified to meet the needs of a changing society. In order for the 4-H Record Book process to pilot youth into prepared and engaged partners within their communities, it has undergone changes to meet the mission of 4-H Youth Development.

The 2023-24 Record Books for LA County Competition are due:

The books must be submitted with appropriate forms. The books will be judged on August 24, 2024.  

Record Book Forms

Comparison of 4-H Record Book Formats (Spark Achievement Program vs Star Rank Program)

Record Book Comparison - Star Rank vs Spark Achievement

Spark Achievement Program (for all Juniors and Intermediate and Seniors who have not earned their Bronze Star by 2022-23)

Achievements Manual
Form: Spark Achievements Report
SPARK Summary Checklist

Spark Achievement Program Record Book

*** 2024 Spark Record Book ID Form-5B
2023-24 New Acheivements Record Book Manual
2024 Spark Achievement Record Book LA County
Section 1 - SPARK Achievement Program Member ID Form *
Section 2 - Spark Achievement Report
Section 4 - Annual Project Report for New Achievements
Section 4 - Leadership Report to APR
Section 6 - LA County Activity Summary Report
                 or Annual Summary of 4-H Activities

Section 7 - 4-H Resume Template  Seniors only
Collection of Forms for Spark Achievement Record Books
Overview Example of Spark Achievement Record Book for competition

Star Rank Program and Record Book (Optional for Intermediate and Seniors who have completed their Bronze Star by 2022-23)

*** 2024 Star Record Book ID Form-4A
2023-24 Record Book Manual
2023-24 Record Book Star Ranks Forms - All (docx)
4-H Resume template (docx) Senior only

Primary Program (ages 5-8 yrs) -2024

LA County Primary PDR Form with Guidelines - program ends June 2024 (White Patch and White Star achievement levels)
iSprout Program Manual