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Pomona Valley 4-H Club


If you live in Pomona, Sann Dimas, or Glendora, we are the club serving these areas.   

Club Leaders: Andrea Heermance and Jolynn Bottrell

Contact Andrea Heermance for club information

- our current projects include Arts & Crafts, Cooking, Food Preservation, Cake Decorating, Beginning Sign Language, Fiber Arts, Painting, Chess/Board Games, Gardening, Rabbits, Poultry, Primary (ages 5-8), Leadership, Photography, Beginning 4-H (new to 4-H), Ukulele and Scrapbooking.

Projects offered in Pomona Valley 4-H Club:

Aerospace & Rocketry, Arts & Crafts, Beginning 4-H, Foods - Nutrition, Foods - Preservation, Leadership Development, Photography, Primary Members (Mini Member & Cloverbuds), Public Speaking, Individual & Group Sports, Wildlife


Club Leader / Information: Noel Keller

Club Information

For additional information about the Pomona Valley 4-H Club, please contact Noel Keller, Pomona Valley 4-H Club Leader