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Contact Us

Office Information

Los Angeles County
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: (626) 586-1971
Fax: (626) 943-3840


Photo of Keith C Nathaniel Ed.D.
Keith C Nathaniel Ed.D.
Title: County Director & 4-H Youth Development Advisor
Specialty: Adolescent Development; Educational Planning; Social Capital and Community Networks
Notes: Mailing address: PO Box 22255, Los Angeles, CA 90022
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: (626) 586-1970
Fax: (626) 943-3840
Email: kcnathaniel@ucanr.edu


Administrative Office

Photo of Dohee Kim M.P.P.
Dohee Kim M.P.P.
Title: Director of Media Outreach and Advocacy Liaison
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: (626) 586-1974
Fax: (626) 943-3840
Email: deekim@ucanr.edu
Photo of Rebecca Sanders
Rebecca Sanders
Title: Administrative Assistant III
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: 626 586-1971
Fax: 626 943-3840
Email: rsanders@ucanr.edu

4-H Youth Development

Photo of Roy Hillstock
Roy Hillstock
Title: Computer Resource Specialist II
Notes: Mailing address: University of California Cooperative Extension-LA Attn: Roy Hillstock 700 W. Main St. Alhambra, CA 91801
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: (626) 586-1972
Fax: (626) 943-3840
Email: rlhillstock@ucanr.edu
Photo of Charlene L Moore
Charlene L Moore
Title: 4-H YDP Antelope Valley Coordinator
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Email: moore@ucanr.edu

Food and Health

Photo of Ingrid Janneth Alarcon
Ingrid Janneth Alarcon
Title: Communty Education Specialist II
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: 626 586-1979
Fax: (626) 943-3840
Email: ijalarcon@ucanr.edu
Photo of Coral Burciaga-Luquin
Coral Burciaga-Luquin
Title: Community Nutrition and Health Educator
Specialty: Adult Nutrition Education (Adult EFNEP)
700 West Main St.
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: (626)586-1987
Fax: (626)943-3840
Email: cburciagaluquin@ucanr.edu
Photo of Olivia Mejia-Martinez
Olivia Mejia-Martinez
Title: CalFresh Community Education Specialist II
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: 626 586-1973
Fax: (626) 943-3840
Email: omejiamartinez@ucanr.edu
Photo of Benjamin Melendrez
Benjamin Melendrez
Title: CalFresh Healthy Living Program Supervisor
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Fax: (626) 943-3840
Email: bmelendrez@ucanr.edu
Photo of Javier F Miramontes
Javier F Miramontes
Title: Community Nutrition and Health Supervisor
Orange County - UC Cooperative Extension South Coast Research and Extension Center
7601 Irvine Blvd
Irvine, CA 92618
Email: jfmiramontes@ucanr.edu
Photo of Alejandrina Orozco
Alejandrina Orozco
Title: Community Nutrition and Health Educator
Specialty: Youth EFNEP
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: 626-586-1977
Fax: 626-943-3840
Email: orozco@ucanr.edu
Photo of Cynthia Orozco
Cynthia Orozco
Title: Program Representative I
Notes: Mailing address: PO Box 22255, Los Angeles, CA 90022
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: 6264092731
Fax: (626) 943-3840
Email: corozco@ucanr.edu
Photo of Natalie M Price M.P.H.
Natalie M Price M.P.H.
Title: Community Nutrition and Health Advisor
Specialty: Public health nutrition, food security, social determinants of health.
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: (626) 586-1948
Fax: (626) 943-3840
Email: nmprice@ucanr.edu
Photo of Mrs Aba J Ramirez
Mrs Aba J Ramirez
Title: Community Nutrition and Health Educator
Specialty: Adult Nutrition Education
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: 626-586-1978
Fax: 626-943-3840
Email: abaramirez@ucanr.edu
Photo of Daisy L Valdez
Daisy L Valdez
Title: CalFresh Community Education Specialist II
Specialty: Community Education Specialist 2
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W Main St
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: 626 586-1983
Fax: (626) 943-3840
Email: dlvaldez@ucanr.edu
Photo of Rosa Vargas
Rosa Vargas
Title: Regional Manager
2156 Sierra Way
Suite C
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Email: rivargas@ucanr.edu

Master Gardener Program

Photo of Valerie T Borel
Valerie T Borel
Title: Horticulture and Master Gardener Program Coordinator
Specialty: Sustainability and fire-safe landscaping
University of California Cooperative Extension Los Angeles
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: (626) 586-1986
Fax: (626) 943-3840
Email: vtborel@ucanr.edu
Photo of Jessica A Yarger
Jessica A Yarger
Title: UC Master Gardener Associate Program Coordinator
700 W Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: (626) 586-1975
Fax: (626) 943-3840
Email: jayarger@ucanr.edu

Sustainable Food Systems

Photo of Rachel A Surls Ph.D.
Rachel A Surls Ph.D.
Title: Sustainable Food Systems Advisor Emerita
Specialty: urban agriculture, urban gardening, food systems
Cooperative Extension Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
(626) 586-1982
Alhambra, CA 91801
Email: ramabie@ucdavis.edu

Natural Resources

Photo of Cynthia Chavez
Cynthia Chavez
Title: Community Education Specialist
Specialty: Project Learning Tree
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: 6265861937
Fax: 6269433840
Email: crchavez@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Edith de Guzman
Dr Edith de Guzman
Title: Water Equity and Adaptation Policy Cooperative Extension Specialist
Specialty: Climate adaptation, urban forestry, water management, heat mitigation, art & science collaborations
337 Charles E. Young Dr. East
3323J Public Affairs Building
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1656
Email: eb3@ucla.edu
Photo of Sabrina L. Drill Ph.D.
Sabrina L. Drill Ph.D.
Title: Natural Resources Advisor - Emeritus
Specialty: Climate resilience, urban ecology, watershed education, community science and engagement, environmental justice, conservation and restoration of aquatic and wildland habitats and anadramous fishes, aquatic and terrestrial invasive species, fire ecology and landscape preparation, land use and conservation planning
Notes: Covers Los Angeles and Ventura Counties and the California Naturalist Statewide Program
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: 3238425399
Email: sldrill@ucanr.edu
Photo of Eliot T Freutel
Eliot T Freutel
Title: Community Education Specialist 2 (SoCal)
UC Cooperative Extension Los Angeles
700 W. Main St.
Alhambra, CA 91801
Email: etfreutel@ucanr.edu
Photo of Natalie Jane Levy
Natalie Jane Levy
Title: Soil Health and Organic Materials Management Advisor
7601 Irvine Boulevard
Irvine, CA 92618
Email: nlevy@ucanr.edu
Photo of Dr Esther N Lofton
Dr Esther N Lofton
Title: Urban Watershed Resilience Advisor
Specialty: Water Resources Engineering, Surfacewater Modeling, Groundwater Modelling, LID Practices, Remote Sensing, GIS, Climate Resources, Programming
South Coast Research and Extension Center
7601 Irvine Blvd.
Irvine, CA 92618
Phone: 8582826737
Email: enmosase@ucanr.edu
Photo of Beatriz Nobua-Behrmann Ph.D.
Beatriz Nobua-Behrmann Ph.D.
Title: Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Advisor
South Coast Research and Extension Center
7601 Irvine Blvd.
Irvine, CA 92618
Phone: (949) 301-9182 Ext 1006
Email: benobua@ucanr.edu

Integrated Pest Management

Photo of Niamh M Quinn Ph.D.
Niamh M Quinn Ph.D.
Title: Human-Wildlife Interactions Advisor
South Coast Research and Extension Center
7601 Irvine Blvd.
Irvine, CA 92618
Phone: 949 301-9182 x1004
Email: nmquinn@ucanr.edu
Photo of Siavash Taravati Ph.D.
Siavash Taravati Ph.D.
Title: Area IPM Advisor
2980 Washington St
Riverside, CA 92504
Email: staravati@ucanr.edu

Environmental Horticulture

Photo of Janet S Hartin
Janet S Hartin
Title: Area Environmental Horticulture Advisor
Specialty: Environmental horticulture, urban greening, climate-ready trees, "Trees for Tomorrow" arboriculture, irrigation needs of landscape plants
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: (951) 313-2023
Email: jshartin@ucanr.edu
Photo of Donald R. Hodel
Donald R. Hodel
Title: Environmental Horticulture Advisor, Emeritus
Specialty: Selection & management of palms and other woody ornamentals in the landscape
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main St.
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: 626-586-1973
Fax: 626-943-3480
Email: drhodel@ucanr.edu
Photo of John N Kabashima M.B.A., Ph.D.
John N Kabashima M.B.A., Ph.D.
Title: Environmental Horticulture Advisor, Emeritus
Specialty: Ornamental horticulture, nursery crops, pest management, exotic and invasive pests, water runoff, water quality
7601 Irvine Blvd.
Irvine, CA 92618
Email: jnkabashima@ucanr.edu
Photo of Mr Dennis Pittenger
Mr Dennis Pittenger
Title: Area Environmental Horticulturist, Emeritus
Specialty: Functional use of ornamental plants in urban landscapes. Landscape irrigation management, urban tree management, species selection, woody plant soil/root interactions.
Botany & Plant Sciences
2150 Batchelor Hall
Riverside, CA 92521-0124
Phone: (951) 236-9723
Email: drpittenger@ucdavis.edu
Photo of Christopher John Shogren
Christopher John Shogren
Title: Environmental Horticulture Advisor
Specialty: Horticulture, nursery crops, pest management, exotic and invasive pests
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Email: cjshogren@ucanr.edu

Urban Community Resiliency

Photo of Ashley Michelle Hooper Ph.D.
Ashley Michelle Hooper Ph.D.
Title: Urban Community Resiliency Advisor
Specialty: urban and environmental planning and policy, community resilience, urban food systems, water resource policy, transportation policy, healthy communities.
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
Alhambra, CA 91801
Phone: 626 586-1981
Fax: (626) 943-3840
Email: asmhoope@ucanr.edu


Photo of Grant Edward Johnson
Grant Edward Johnson
Title: Assistant CE Urban Agriculture Technology Area Advisor
Specialty: Irrigation management, horticulture, nursery crops, indoor production, urban agriculture
7601 Irvine Boulevard
Irvine, CA 92618
Phone: (949)-414-8022
Email: gejohnson@ucanr.edu
Photo of Amrita Mukherjee M.S.
Amrita Mukherjee M.S.
Title: Urban Agriculture/Small Farms Advisor
Specialty: Urban Farms and food system, Organic Vegetable Production, Nutrient Management, Small Farms, Control Environment Agriculture
Cooperative Extension San Bernardino County
7863 Central Avenue
Highland, CA 92346
Phone: 909-602-8339
Fax: (909) 387-3306
Email: amukherjee@ucanr.edu