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Palm Publications

Complete Palm Bibliography (Word document)


Book Reviews
1. Hodel, D. R. 1985. Palm literature. Principes 29: 94.
2. Hodel, D. R. 1983. Betrock's guide to landscape palms--Book Review.  Principes 37: 217-219.
3. Hodel, D. R.  1995. Palms of the Amazon--Book Review. Palm J. 123: 52-54.
4. Hodel, D. R. 1996. Palms Throughout the World--Book Review. Quart. Rev. Biol. 71:574.
5. Hodel, D. R. 2000.  A brief synopsis of some recent palm literature. Palm J. 153: 38-40.
6. Hodel, D. R. 2001. Book reviews. Palm J. 160: 38-40.
7. Hodel, D. R. 2003. Palm Literature--Book Review of an Encyclopedia of Cultivated Palms. Palms 47: 162-164.
8. Hodel, D. R. 2004. Palm literature--Book reviews. Palm J. 175: 36-37.
9. Hodel, D. R. 2005. Palm Trees: A Story in Photographs--Book Review. AABGA Newsletter 363: 4.
10. Hodel, D. R. 2005. Palm trees: a story in photographs--Book review. Palm J. 181: 47-49.

Disease Management
1. Hodel, D. R. 1985. Gliocladium and Fusarium diseases of palms. Principes 29: 85-88.
2. Hodel, D. R. 2001. Palm diseases in California. Palm J. 161:22-25.
3. Downer, A. J. and Donald R. Hodel. 2003. Pruning to control diamond scale (Sphaerodothis neowashingtoniae) in Washingtonia filifera. Landscape Notes 17(4): 1-2.
4. Hodel, D. R. 2004. Diseases stalk southwest palms, Part I. Southwest Trees & Turf. 10(4): 1, 14.
5. Hodel, D. R. 2004. Diseases stalk southwest palms, Part II. Southwest Trees & Turf. 10(6): 4.
6. Downer, A. J. and D. R. Hodel, 2004. Pruning to control diamond scale. http://www.swtreesandturf.com/articles/0911/c_research1103.html. December 15, 2004.
7. Hodel, D. R. 2005. Pruning and disease of Canary Island date palms. Palm J. 181:19-20.
8. Hodel, D. R. 2007. Leaning crown syndrome. Palms 51: 5-7.
9. Downer, A. J. and D. R. Hodel. 2007. Leaf removal from Washingtonia filifera does not prevent infection by Phaeochoropsis neowashingtoniae, but does predispose palms to early death from pink rot, Gliocladium vermoeseni. HortScience 42: 978. (abstract).

General Selection and Management
1. Hodel, D. R. and D. R. Pittenger (eds). 1993. Proceedings of the Palm Management and Culture Seminar, July 15, 1993. University of California, Riverside.
2. Hodel, D. R. 1993. Uses and problems of palms in the landscape, pp. 1-7 in: D. R. Hodel and D. R. Pittenger (eds.), Proceedings of the Palm Management and Culture Seminar, July 15, 1993. University of California, Riverside.
3. Hodel, D. R. 1993. The growth of some palms in Tahiti. Principes 37: 127-138.
4. Hodel, D. R. 1994. A world-class palm collection. News. Virginia Robinson Bot. Gard. 1(2): 1, 3.
5. Hodel, D. R. 1994. The Chamaedorea research collection in Los Angeles. Principes 38: 153-156.
6. Hodel, D. R. 1994. Palm species selection and culture, pp. 1-11, in: D. Shaw, D. Ephron, and S. Hooker (eds.), Proceedings of Urban Forest Management Seminar and Field Day, August 26-27, 1994. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego.
7. Hodel, D. R. 1995. Using palms in the landscape, an aficionado's perspective. Calif. Gard. 86: 133-134.
8. Hodel, D. R. 1995. Palm species selection and culture. West. Arborist 21(3): 33-37.
9. Hodel, D. R. 1995. An ounce of prevention. Amer. Nurs. 182(4): 68-75.
10. Downer, A. J. and D. R. Hodel (eds.). 1995. Proceedings of Palm Management II. University of California Cooperative Extension, Ventura.
11. Hodel, D. R. 1995. Planting palms correctly for vigorous, attractive growth and fewer problems, pp. 17-23, in: A. J. Downer and D. R. Hodel (eds.), Proceedings of Palm Tree Management II, October 1995. University of California Cooperative Extension, Ventura.
12. Hodel, D. R. 1996. Palms. Amer. Hort. 75(2): 32-36.
13. Hodel, D. R. 2000. Palms, their selection, planting, and care . Garden Information Series. University of California Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. pp. 6.
14. Hodel, D. R. 2000. Color in palms. Palm J. 150: 11-13.
15. Hodel, D. R. 2000. Palm ID, Culture, and Management, pp. 1-11 in: D. Shaw (ed.), Proceedings of The Palm Seminar, August 25-26, 2000. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego.
16. Hodel, D. R. 2000. Landscaping with palms, Part 1: Palms with other plants. Palm J. 152: 11-12.
17. Hodel, D. R. 2000. Landscaping with palms, Part 2: Palms with other palms. Palm J. 155: 9-11.
18. Hodel, D. R. 2000. Some thoughts on greenhouses for palm collectors. Palm J. 155: 35-38.
19. Hodel, D. R. 2001. Clumping palms. Palm J. 159: 10-12.
20. Hodel, D. R. 2002. Montecito: new home of unique UC palm collection. Pac. Coast Nurs. 61(8): 72.
21. Hodel, D. R. 2004. Palms, their selection, planting, and care. LandsMagazine 2(2): March. http://www.landsmagazine.com/. March 1, 2004.
22. Downer, A. J. and D. R. Hodel. 2004. Palm tree management, part I: selecting the right palm. Landscape Notes 18(4): 1-5.
23. Hodel, D. R. and A. J. Downer (eds.). 2005. Proceedings of the Palm Research Symposium: A Presentation of Research Findings from the University of California Cooperative Extension, December 15, 2005 at The Huntington Botanical Gardens, San Marino. UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles and Ventura.
24. Hodel, D. R., A. J. Downer, and D. R. Pittenger. 2007. Recent palm horticulture research at the University of California. Palm J. 187: 39-44.

1. Hodel, D. R. 1988. The genus Chamaedorea in commerce in California. Report for World Wildlife Fund Project 3322. World Wildlife Fund, Washington, D.C.
2. Hodel, D. R. 1996. Palms over L.A., conspicuous by their nature, not their numbers. Principes 40: 103-111.
3. Hodel, D. R. 1997. An invitation to cooperate and collaborate. Palm J. 132: 13-14.
4. Hodel, D. R. 2002. Tips on photographing palms. Palm J. 165: 17-21.
5. Hodel, D. R. 2003. Past and present date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivation in California (abstract), p. 22 in: Program of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany. June 1-5, 2003. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Tucson, AZ.
6. Hodel, D. R. 2006. UC ANR helps landscape industry and municipalities manage two serious diseases ravaging palms in Los Angeles. UC Delivers. http://ucanr.org/delivers/impactview.cfm?impactnum=437. July 1, 2006.
7. Hodel, D. R. 2007. People will come. News. Friends Honolulu Bot. Gard., Spring 2007: 1, 3.

1. Hodel, D. R. and A. J. Downer. 1994. Effects of mulches on the growth of palms, p. 56, in: V. A. Gibeault and D. R. Pittenger (eds.), Proceedings of Turfgrass and Landscape Management Conference and Field Days, September 13-14, 1994. University of California, Riverside.
2. Downer, A. J. and D. R. Hodel. 1995. Effect of mulches on growth and establishment of three palm species, pp. 9-16, in: A. J. Downer and D. R. Hodel (eds.), Proceedings of Palm Tree Management II, October 1995. University of California Cooperative Extension, Ventura.
3. Downer, A. J. and D. R. Hodel. 2001. The effects of mulching on establishment of Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Becc., Washingtonia robusta H. Wendl. and Archontophoenix cunninghamiana (H. Wendl.) H. Wendl. and Drude in the landscape. Sci. Hort. 87: 85-92.
4. Downer, A. J. and D. R. Hodel. 2004. Organic amendments and mulches for palms:mulching vs. amending. Landscape Notes 18(2): 1-2.

Nutrition and Fertilizers
1. Hodel, D. R. 1992. An update on the mineral nutrition of palms. Pac. Coast Nurs. 51(5): 55-59.
2. Hodel, D. R. 1995. Studies of good nutritional needs of palms, p. 54, in: V. A. Gibeault and D. Pittenger (eds.), Proceedings of Turfgrass and Landscape Conferences and Field Days, September 12-13, 1995. University of California, Riverside.
3. Hodel, D. R. 2000. Practical workshops for palm growers: fertilizing palms. Palm J. 150: 34. 
4. Hodel, D. R. 2001. Nutritional disorders of palms. Palm J. 159: 37-40.
5. Hodel, D. R. 2004. Fertilizing palms. Palm Soc. News 2(September): 2-3.
6. Downer, A. J., D. R. Hodel, and M. Mochizuki. 2007. Effects of preplant incorporation and postplanting application of a palm special fertilizer on five species of landscape palms. HortScience 42:878. (abstract).

Palm Selection/Species Profiles
1. Hodel, D. R. 1991. Palms for the Southern California Landscape. University of California Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 6 pp.
Hodel, D. R. 1992. New and/or underutilized Chamaedorea palms with ornamental potential, p. 6 in: D. R. Pittenger (ed.), Proceedings of the Landscape Management and Field Day. University of California, Riverside.
Hodel, D. R. 1992. New and/or underutilized Chamaedorea palms with ornamental potential. University of California Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 1 p.
Hodel, D. R. 1993. Palms for Southern California, part 2: Chrysalidocarpus. Palm J. (May): 25.
Hodel, D. R. 1993. Palms for southern California, part 3: Euterpe and Prestoea. Palm J. (July): 33-34.
Hodel, D. R. 1993. Palms for southern California, part 4: Pritchardia. Palm J. (September): 18-23.
Hodel, D. R. 1994. Bismarckia. Palm J. 114: 23-24.
Hodel, D. R. 1994. Veitchia.  Palm J. 118: 32-37.
Hodel, D. R.1994. Bentinckia. Palm J. 119: 9-10.
Hodel, D. R. 1995. Pelagodoxa. Palm J. 120: 9-11.
11. Hodel, D. R. 1995. Phoenix, the date palms. Palm J. 122: 14-36.
Hodel, D. R. 1995. Licuala. Palm J. 123: 28-31.
Hodel, D. R. 1995. Coccothrinax. Palm J. 125: 15-16.
Hodel, D. R. 1996. Hyophorbe. Palm J. 127: 23-28.
Hodel, D. R. 1996. Dypsis. Palm J. 130: 19-20.
16. H
odel, D. R. 1996. Ceroxylon. Palm J. 131: 39-40.
Hodel, D. R. 1997. Livistona. Palm J. 132: 23-26.
Hodel, D. R. 1997. Acrocomia. Palm J. 133: 24.
Hodel, D. R. 1997. Trithrinax. Palm J. 134: 18-20.
Hodel, D. R. 1997. Australia's monotypic, endemic palm genera. Palm J. 135: 18-21.
Hodel, D. R. 1997. Rhapis. Palm J. 136: 23-25.
Hodel, D. R. 1997.  Chamaedorea: the exotic species. Palm J. 137: 19-21.
Hodel, D. R. 1998. Palms for southern California, Part 31: The palms of New Caledonia. Palm J. 139: 8-30.
24. Hodel, D. R. 1998. Palms for southern California, Part 32: The genus Arenga. Palm J. 140: 10-11.
Hodel, D. R. 1998. Palms for southern California, Part 34: The palms of Lord Howe Island. Palm J. 142: 9-10.
Hodel, D, R. 1998. Palms for southern California, Part 35: The genus Jubaea, leviathan of the palm family. Palm J. 143: 9.
Hodel, D. R. 1999. Palms for southern California, Part 36: Clinostigma. Palm J. 144: 11-12.
Hodel, D. R. 1999. Palms for southern California, Part 38: Dictyosperma. Palm J. 146: 11.
Hodel, D. R. 1999. Palms for southern California, Part 39: Butia. Palm J. 147: 15-16.
Hodel, D. R. 1999. Palms for southern California, Part 40: Pinanga. Palm J. 148:10-11.
Hodel, D. R. 1999. Palms for southern California, Part 41: Latania. Palm J. 149:13-14.
Hodel, D. R. 2001. Some uncommon, underutilized, and marginal Chamaedoreas in southern California. Palm J. 161: 7-9.
Hodel, D. R. 2002. Caryota, the fishtail palms. Palm J. 163: 8-13.
Hodel, D. R. 2002. African palms for southern California. Palm J. 167: 8-12.
Hodel, D. R. 2003. The date palms. University of California Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 5 pp.
Hodel, D. R. 2006. The ten best Chamaedoreas for southern California. Palm J. 182: 11-13.
Hodel, D. R. 2006. Clinostigma, the quintessential palms from the South and West Pacific. Palm J. 183: 9-14, 26-27.
38. H
odel, D. R. 2006. Ptychococcus. Palm J. 183: 15.
Hodel, D. R. 2006. Allagoptera. Palm J. 185: 10-11.

1. Hodel, D. R. 
1982 E. Moore, Jr. remembered. Principes 26: 135-137.
2. Hodel, D. R. 1992. James L. Degen, long-time Palm Society member. Principes 36: 228-229.
3. Hodel, D. R. 1995. Heavy with the fragrance of Victorian box: Remembrances of Richard Palmer. Palm J. 123: 11-23.
4. Hodel, D. R. 1995. Meet Nora Martinez, curator of palms at The Huntington. Palm J. 124: 8-11.
5. Hodel, D. R. 2003. Remembrances of Kenneth C. Foster. Palms 47: 130-134.

Pest Management
1. Hodel, D. R. 2001. Some new and old pests of palms in Southern California. Palm J. 160: 32-36.

Planting/Transplanting/Root Systems/Lead Tie Up and Removal
1. Hodel, D. R. 1996. Planting palms correctly for vigorous, attractive growth and fewer problems. Turf Tales 3(1): 10-11.
2. Hodel, D. R., A. J. Downer, and D. R. Pittenger. 1997. Palm root regeneration, pp. 7-8 in: D. R. Pittenger (ed.), Proceedings of the Landscape Conference and Field Day.  University of California, Riverside.
3. Hodel, D. R. 1997. Planting palms. Grounds Maint. 32: C10-12.
4. Hodel, D. R., A. J. Downer, and D. R. Pittenger. 1998. Palm root regeneration, pp. 46-50, in: D. Neeley and G. W. Watson (eds.), Proceedings of International workshop on Tree Root Development in Urban Soils, March 5-6, 1998, San Francisco. The Landscape Below Ground, II. Champaign, IL.
5. Hodel, D. R. 1998. Planting palms correctly for vigorous, attractive growth and fewer problems, pp. 46-49 in: A. J. Downer (ed.), Installing Landscapes—Doing It Right the First Time, March 25, 1998, Oak View, CA. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Ventura.
6. Hodel, D. R. 2000. Planting and transplanting palms. Palm J. 153: 20-22.
7. Pittenger, D. R., A. J. Downer, and D. R. Hodel. 2000. Palm root regeneration and its significance in transplanting, in: Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the Metropolitan Tree Improvement Alliance, August 23-24, 2000, Gresham, OR. http://fletcher.ces.state.nc.us/programs/nursery/metria/metria11. October 1, 2000.
8. Hodel, D. R. and D. R. Pittenger. 2000. Research on palm root systems, pp. 20, in: V. A. Gibeault and D. R. Pittenger (eds.), Proceedings of Turfgrass and Landscape Conferences and Field Days, September 12-13, 2000. University of California, Riverside.
9. Downer, A. J., D. R. Pittenger, and D. R. Hodel. 2001. Root regeneration of landscape palms. HortSci. 36: 430. (abstract).
10. Pittenger, D. R. and D. R. Hodel. 2002. Transplanting palms: effect of leaf removal and tie up, pp. 5-6, in: V. A. Gibeault and D. R. Pittenger (eds.), Proceedings of the Turfgrass and Landscape Management Field Day, September 24, 2002. University of California, Riverside.
11. Hodel, D. R., D. R. Pittenger, and A. J. Downer. 2003. Root system regeneration and resprouting of cut roots in palms (Arecaceae). (Abstract). Monocots III: The Third International Conference on the Comparative Biology of the Monocotyledons. March 30-April 5. Ontario, CA. http://monocots3.org/pdf/abstracts.pdf. June 17, 2003.
12. Pittenger, D. R., D. R. Hodel, and A. J. Downer. 2003. Transplanting specimen palms: common practices and research-based information. HortSci.  38: 836. (abstract).
13. Hodel, D. R., D. R. Pittenger, A. J. Downer, and W. E. Richie. 2003. Effect of leaf removal and tie up on juvenile, transplanted Canary Island date palms (Phoenix canariensis) and queen palms (Syagrus romanzoffiana). Palms 47: 177-184.
14. Pittenger, D. R., D. R. Hodel, and A. J. Downer. 2005. Transplanting specimen palms: a review of common practices and research-based information. HortTech. 15(1): 128-132.
15. Hodel, D. R., D. R. Pittenger, and A. J. Downer. 2005. Palm root growth and implications for transplanting. J. Arbor. 31: 171-181.
16. Hodel, D. R., A. J. Downer, and D. R. Pittenger. 2006. Effect of leaf removal and tie up on transplanted large Mexican fan palms (Washingtonia robusta). Palms 50: 76-81.
17. Hodel, D. R. 2006. Planting and transplanting palms. West. Arbor. 32(3) 60-62.
18. Hodel, D. R., A. J. Downer, D. R. Pittenger, and P. J. Beaudoin. 2006. Effect of amended backfill soils when planting five species of palms. HortTech. 16(3): 457-460.
19. Downer, A. J., D. R. Hodel, D. R. Pittenger, and M. Mochizuki. 2007. Poor postharvest handling and storage of transplanted Washingtonia robusta palms does not slow or prevent establishment in landscapes. HortScience 42: 978. (abstract).

1. Hodel, D. R. 1977. Notes on embryo culture of palms. Principes 21: 103-108.
2. Hodel, D. R. 1999.  Propagating palms from seeds.  Comb. Proc. Intl. Plant Prop. Soc.: 48: 56-61.
3. Hodel, D. R. 2000. Growing palms from seeds. Palm J. 151: 10-12.
4. Hodel, D. R. and D. R. Pittenger. 2003. Studies on the establishment of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera 'Deglet Noor') offshoots. Part 1. Observations on root development and leaf growth. Palms 47: 191-200.
5. Hodel, D. R. and D. R. Pittenger. 2003. Studies on the establishment of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera 'Deglet Noor') offshoots. Part ll. Size of offshoot. Palms 47: 201-205).
6. Hodel, D. R. and A. J. Downer. 2007. Using palm trunk fibers as peatmoss replacement for container media. HortScience 42: 877. (abstract).

1. Hodel, D. R. 1999. Pruning palms. Principes 43: 99-100.
2. Hodel, D. R. 2005. Pruning palms. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 5 pp.

Taxonomy/Nomenclature/Natural History/Ecology
1. Hodel, D. R. 1980. Notes on Pritchardia in Hawaii. Principes 24: 65-81.
Hodel, D. R. 1985. A new Pritchardia from South Kona, Hawaii. Principes 29: 31-34.
Hodel, D. R. 1990. Chamaedorea amabilis: An ornamental species from Central America. Principes 34: 4-10.
Hodel, D. R. and N.W. Uhl. 1990. Two new species of Chamaedorea from Mexico. Principes 34: 58-63.
Hodel, D. R. and N. W. Uhl. 1990. A new species and a synopsis of a distinctive and natural subgroup of Chamaedorea. Principes 34: 108-119.
Hodel, D. R. and N. W. Uhl. 1990. New species of Chamaedorea from Costa Rica and Panama. Principes 34: 120-133.
Read, R. and D. R. Hodel. 1990. Arecaceae. Palm Family, pp. 1360-1375, in: W. L. Wagner, D.R. Herbst, and S. H. Sohmer (eds.), Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawai'i. Bishop Museum Special Publication 83. B.P. Bishop Museum, HI.
Hodel, D. R. and J. J. Castillo Mont. 1990. Two new species of Chamaedorea (Arecaceae) from Guatemala. Phytologia 68: 390-396.
Hodel, D. R. 1990. Chamaedorea castillo-montii (Arecaceae), a new species from Guatemala. Phytologia 68: 397-400.
Hodel, D. R. 1990. Three new species of Chamaedorea from Oaxaca, Mexico. Phytologia 68: 401-409.
Hodel, D. R. 1990. New species and notes on related taxa in Chamaedorea subgenus Stephanostachys. Principes 34: 160-176.
12. H
odel, D. R. and J. J. Castillo-Mont. 1991. Additional new species of Chamaedorea. Principes 35: 4-8.
Hodel, D. R. 1991. New species of Chamaedorea from Central America. Principes 35: 72-82.
Grayum, M. H. and Hodel, D. R. 1991. Two new species of Chamaedorea from Panama. Principes 35: 135-138.
Hodel, D. R. 1991. Note on Chamaedorea tenerrima. Principes 35: 138.
Hodel, D. R. 1991. The cultivated species of Chamaedorea with cespitose habit and pinnate leaves. Principes 35: 184-198.
Hodel, D. R. 1992. Chamaedorea palms: diverse species in diverse habitats, pp. 433-458, in: F. Kahn (ed.), Palms in Tropical Forests. Bulletin de l'Institute Francaise d'Etudes Andines 21(2).
Hodel, D. R.  1992. Chamaedorea Palms: The Species and Their Cultivation. The International Palm Society, Lawrence, KS. 358 pp.
Hodel, D. R. 1992. Additions to Chamaedorea Palms: New species from Mexico and Guatemala and miscellaneous notes. Principes 36: 188-202.
Hodel, D. R. 1993. A tale of two (three?) Neodypsis. Palm J. (January): 8-18.
21. Dowe, J. L. and D. R. Hodel. 1994. A revision of Archontophoenix H. Wendland & O. Drude (Palmae). Austrobaileya 4: 227-244.
Hodel, D. R. 1995.  Three new species of Chamaedorea from Panama. Principes 39: 14-20.
Hodel, D. R. and J. J. Castillo Mont. 1995. An unusual simple-leaved form of Chamaedorea elatior. Palm J. 121: 27-33.
Hodel, D. R., J. J. Castillo-Mont, and R. Zuniga. 1995. The rediscovery of Chamaedorea donnell-smithii (C. seifrizii). Principes 39: 137-139.
Hodel, D. R., J. J. Castillo-Mont, and R. Zuniga. 1995. Two new species of Chamaedorea from Honduras. Principes 39: 183-189.
Hodel, D. R., J. J. Castillo-Mont, and R. Zuniga.1995. Proposal to reject Chamaedorea donnell-smithii, threatening Chamaedorea seifrizii (Arecaceae). Taxon 44: 233-234.
Hodel, D. R. 1996. Two new species of Chamaedorea from Costa Rica. Principes 40: 212-216.
Hodel, D. R. 1997. Two new species of Chamaedorea (Arecaceae).  Novon 7: 35-37.
Hodel, D. R. 1997. New species of palms from Thailand. Palm J. 134: 28-37.
Hodel, D. R. 1997. New species of palms from Thailand, Part II. Palm J. 136: 7-20.
Hodel, D. R. 1997. A new species of Wallichia from Thailand. Palm J. 137: 8-9.
Hodel, D. R., G. Herrera, and A. Cascante. 1997. A remarkable new species and additional novelties of Chamaedorea from Costa Rica and Panama. Palm J. 139: 32-44.
Pintaud, J.-C. and D. R. Hodel.  1998.  A revision of Kentiopsis, a genus endemic to New Caledonia. Principes: 42: 32-33, 41-53.
Hodel, D. R. 1998. Two new giant Caryota and additional new species of palms from Thailand. Palm J. 139: 51-55.
Pintaud, J.-C. and D. R. Hodel.  1998.  Three new species of Burretiokentia. Principes 42: 152-155, 160-166.
Hodel, D. R. 1998. The Palms and Cycads of Thailand.  Kampon Tansacha, Nong Nooch, Thailand. 190 pp.
Hodel, D. R. and J.-C. Pintaud. 1998. The Palms of New Caledonia.  Kampon Tansacha, Nong Nooch, Thailand. 119 pp.
Hodel, D. R. 1999. Pinnate eophyll in Caryota. Palm J. 147: 35.
Hodel, D. R. 1999.  Observations on Chamaedorea in unusual habitats.  Acta Bot. Venez. 22(1): 213-220.
Read, R. W. and D. R. Hodel. 1999. Arecaceae, pp. 1360-1375 in: W. L. Wagner, D.R. Herbst, and S. H. Sohmer (eds.), Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawai'i, Rev. Ed. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Spec. Pub. 97. B. P. Bishop Museum  and University of Hawaii Press, HI.
41. Hodel, D. R. 1999.  Problems interpreting variation in Chamaedorea, pp. 185-189 in: A. Henderson and F. Borchsenius (eds.), Evolution, Variation, and Classification of Palms.  Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 83.
Hodel, D. R. 2001. Rhapis 'Alicia' (R. humilis x R. laosensis), a new hybrid of exceptional merit from cultivation. Palm J. 160: 23-24.
Bernal, R. G., G. Galeano, and D. R. Hodel. 2004. A new species of Chamaedorea from Colombia. Palms 48: 27-29.
Hodel, D. R. and J. Marcus. 2004. The white powder Dypsis: a new species from cultivation. Palms 48: 90-93.
 Johnson, D. V. and D. R. Hodel. 2004. Nacapule Canyon, Sonora, Mexico: a unique site of palm diversity. Palm J. 178: 37-38.
Hodel, D. R. 2004. Palm (Arecaceae) studies, pp. 84-112 in: P. Bates (Ed.), Caves of Myeik, Tanintharyi Division, Myanmar, 2003. Harrison Institute, Kent, United Kingdom.
Thomas, M. M., N. C. Garwood, W. J. Baker, S. Henderson, D. R. Hodel, S. J. Russell, and R. M. Bateman. 2005. Molecular phylogenetics of the palm genus Chamaedorea. (abstract). http://www.abstractsonline.com/submit/login.asp?MKey=%7B259D1272%2DFC6C%2D4DF4%2DAFF8%2D83D80CDCCCFF%7D. March 1, 2005.
Hodel, D. R. and J.-C. Pintaud. 2005. The origin and distribution of New Caledonia palms. Palm J.  180: 4-12.
Thomas, M. M., N. C. Garwood, W. J. Baker, S. Henderson, D. R. Hodel, S. J. Russell, and R. M. Bateman. 2005. Molecular phylogeny of Chamaedorea based on the low-copy nuclear genes PRK and RPB2, pp. 49 in: W. J. Baker (ed.), Programme and Abstracts of The Palms: An International Symposium on the Biology of the Palm Family, April 6-8, 2005. The Linnean Society of London and The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England, United Kingdom. Hodel, D. R. 2005. Checking on palm names. Palm J. 181: 44.
Hodel, D. R. 2005. Checking on palm names. Palm J. 181: 44.
Hodel, D. R. 2005. Observations on naturalized palms in California.  NZ Palm & Cycad 98: 18.
Hodel, D. R. 2005. x Lytoagrus dickensonii, a new nothogenus and nothospecies for the hybrid from cultivation of Lytocaryum weddelianum and Syagrus romanzoffiana. Palms 49: 122-127.
Hodel, D. R., J. Marcus, and J. Dransfield. 2005. Dypsis robusta, a large new palm from cultivation. Palms 49: 128-130.
Thomas, M. M., N. C. Garwood, W. J. Baker, S. A. Henderson, S. J. Russell, D. R. Hodel, and R. M. Bateman. 2006. Molecular phylogeny of the palm genus Chamaedorea, based on the low-copy nuclear genes PRK and PRB2. Mol. Phylo. Evol. 38: 398-415.
Hodel, D. R. 2006. La verification des noms de palmier. Le Palmier 17 (No. 46): 19-20.
Hodel, D. R. 2006. Success story on Ohikilolo Ridge, Waianae Mountains. News. Friends Honolulu Bot. Gard., Spring/Summer 2006: 1, 3.
Hodel, D. R. 2006. What's new in Chamaedorea. Palm J. 182: 4-10.
Hodel, D. R. 2006. Beautiful Brahea. Palm J. 184: 4-15.
Hodel, D. R. 2006. Nature can make a difference, too. News. Friends Honolulu Bot. Gard., Winter 2006: 3.
Hodel, D. R. 2006. Verificacion en el nombre de las palmeras. Espadice 10: 12-14.
Hodel, D. R. 2007. Unraveling Clinostigma in Samoa. Palms 51: 11-29.
Hodel, D. R. 2007. The palms of Lord Howe Island. Palm J. 186: 4-9.
Hodel, D. R. 2007. Rhopalostylis: the shaving brush palms. Palm J. 186: 10-13.
Hodel, D. R. and D. V. Johnson. 2007. Imported and American varieties of dates (Phoenix dactylifera) in the United States. UC ANR Publication 3498. University of California, Oakland, CA. 112 pp.
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